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Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity


Much like the Highly Qualified Persons Programme, this scheme was introduced to attract individuals to Malta who are working within knowledge-based industries such as iGaming, engineering, technology and other product development sectors. 

Successful applicants to the scheme benefit from an advantageous tax rate of 15 per cent, provided they receive an annual income of at least €45,000 and hold the necessary qualifications or have been employed in one of these specific industries for a significant length of time.

Eligibility Criteria 

To qualify for the scheme, an individual must be employed in one of a number of specific job descriptions, including in industrial research and experimental development with a relevant post graduate degree, in product development and product or process innovation with a relevant post graduate degree, or in a senior management role in jobs relating to ingenuity and innovation.

Applicants must also be able to show that they receive a minimum of €45,000 in income per annum, with a contract of employment that is subject to the laws of Malta. Likewise, the applicant must provide evidence of the necessary qualifications required for the post, which have been recognised by the Malta Qualification Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC), or that they have previously occupied a role akin to that of the eligible office for a minimum of three years.

They must also show that they have not previously utilised deductions or schemes offered to investment services expatriates in relation to relocation costs or other benefits, that they are in possession of valid health insurance, and that they have a stable and regular income with which to sufficiently maintain themselves and other dependents while in Malta.

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Tax Benefits

Individuals benefitting from the programme are entitled to a favourable flat tax rate of 15 per cent, provided they do not control more than 25 per cent of the shares within the employment undertaking.

The tax incentives offered by the programme are available to EU, EEA and third-country nationals for a maximum period of three consecutive years, commencing from the year in which that person is first liable to pay tax. 

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