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Long Term Residence


If an EU/EEA, Swiss or third-country national has continuously resided in Malta for a period of at least five years, then they may apply for Long-Term Residence of Malta. As long-term residents, they can enjoy access to the same employment and education opportunities, for example, as those afforded to Maltese nationals. 


To be eligible, throughout the five-year period the applicant must have stayed in Malta for at least six months during a calendar year, and they must not have been absent for more than 10 months in total.

Long-Term Residence for Family Members 

If a third-country national has been a legal resident of Malta for at least two years and intends to reside in Malta permanently, then they may apply for their family members to join them on the island. 


The third-country national must also prove that they are able to provide accommodation to such family members, which may include spouses aged over 21 years and any unmarried children. They must also provide evidence of their financial self-sufficiency, with a regular income that is equivalent to the average wage in Malta and an additional 20 per cent per family member.


Once the application is accepted, and the original applicant has resided in Malta for five years or more, then these family members will also be granted an autonomous residence permit which affords them the same rights to live, study and work in Malta as those enjoyed by the original applicant.


Foreign Partners of Maltese Nationals

Foreign partners of Maltese nationals may be granted long-term residence in Malta provided their relationship has lasted more than 24 months and that they receive a regular and stable income of €8,885 or more. If their relationship extends beyond five years, then the foreign partner is eligible to receive a residence permit for three years.

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